Acceptable Use Policy

Riverside Unified School District 

Acceptable Use Policy for Student of Technology Resources

Riverside Unified School District (RUSD or District) is pleased to offer students access to district computers, communications systems (email, web sites, smart phones, blogging, podcasting and/or other emerging technologies), the Internet and an array of technology resources to promote educational excellence and innovation. While using District and personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles and buses, at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources via off-campus remote access, each student must act in an appropriate manner consistent with school, district, and legal guidelines. It is the joint responsibility of school personnel and the parent or guardian of each student to educate the student about his/her responsibilities and to establish expectations when using technology. 

Access to RUSD technology resources is provided to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Prior to being allowed access to the Internet at school or through technology resources provided through RUSD, students and their parents must sign the RUSD Acceptable Use Consent Form acknowledging their responsibilities. Students must comply with RUSD standards and honor this agreement to be permitted the use of RUSD technology. 

RUSD technology resources are provided to students to conduct research, access curriculum resources, enhance parent involvement, complete assignments, and communicate with others in furtherance of their education. Access is a privilege, not a right; as such, general rules of school behavior apply. Just as students are responsible for good behavior in a classroom or on school grounds, they must also be responsible when using school computer networks or personal technologies. 

If a student violates any of these rules, his/her use shall be terminated and future access may be denied. Disciplinary action may also result. If possible criminal activity is discovered; the proper law enforcement authorities will be notified. Disciplinary action for students shall be in accordance with existing discipline policies and may include suspension or expulsion in accordance with the laws of the State of California and RUSD policy. 

1. RUSD technology resources shall only be used to access educational information and to promote learning activities both at school and home, including the facilitation of communication between the home and school. 

2. Students shall not load personal software or programs on District computers nor shall they download programs from the Internet without the approval of their instructor. 

3. Virtual and physical vandalism shall not be tolerated. Any intentional act by a student that damages or interferes with performance of District technology hardware, software, operating systems, communication systems, will be considered vandalism and will be subject to school discipline and/or appropriate criminal or civil action. 

4. Not all access to the Internet can be supervised. Students agree not to send, access, submit, publish, display or print over the Internet or RUSD network, or using RUSD technology resources, any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material. Cyber bullying is specifically prohibited. It shall be the student’s responsibility to report the inappropriate use, web site, or communication to the student’s teacher or other staff member. 

5. Although the District uses a software filter to block known inappropriate web sites and prohibit access to harmful materials accessed from a District network, the District does not filter or block access to harmful materials accessed from a District-provided resource that is being used outside of the District network. Under any circumstances, filtering technology is not perfect and therefore may in effect both interfere with legitimate educational purposes and allow some objectionable material to be viewed. 

6. The use of RUSD technology resources is not private; students should not expect that files stored on or transmitted via the District’s resources will be confidential. All digital transmissions are subject to inspection and/or monitoring by District employees and other officials. Digital storage is RUSD property, and as such, network administrators will review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that students are using technology responsibly. 

7. RUSD denies any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained from the Internet or on-line resources. 

8. RUSD makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for the technology resources it provides to students. 

9. Copyright ©, Trademark ™ and/or Registered ® laws must be adhered to at all times. All materials from the Internet and other digital resources, including graphics, which are used in student projects or reports, must be properly cited. Copyrighted, Trademarked or Registered materials may not be placed on the Internet without the permission of the author. 

10. Students shall not post or transmit their own or other’s personal information such as home addresses, telephone numbers, last names, photos or other personal identifying information. 

11. The use of District technology resources may involve the use of a password, network access code or other identifying or validating code. Such passwords and codes are to be protected as private information provided to the individual user for their sole purpose. Such passwords and codes shall not be disclosed by the student to others. 

12. Students shall not use District technology resources to conduct for-profit business activities or to engage in religious activities. Students shall not use District technology resources for advertising, promotion commercial purposes or similar objectives, including the purchase of any items or services. 

13. Students may bring personal technology, including computers, smart phones, network access devices, or other electronic signaling devices to school provided that such technology is used for instructional purposes. Students shall abide by the instructions provided by teachers and other school staff in the use of such personal technologies. Access to the Internet or other District communication systems from personal technology is limited to wireless access points on the school campuses or other access devices away from school. Access to the Internet or other District communication systems from personal technology is not available via hardwire connections. 

Consequences of Misuse and/or Violation of the Provisions of this Agreement Misuse of personal or District and personal technology resources on or near school property, in school vehicles and buses, at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources via off-campus remote access, may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the schools of the District. This Agreement shall be used in conjunction with RUSD Board of Education policies, California Education Code, and other local, state and federal laws and regulations governing the applicable matter. 

Students, parents and guardians should recognize that the nature of the use of District technology resources extends outside of the school itself and into off-campus remote locations such as homes. The District’s jurisdiction to enforce student behavior and discipline policies and rules shall apply whether the misuse or violation is at school or away from school as long as the District’s technology resources are being used in the inappropriate behavior. 

Limitation of Liability 

Riverside Unified School District shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by the student, including those arising from non-deliveries, misdeliveries, service interruptions, unauthorized use, loss of data, and exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material or people. Use of any information obtained via the Internet or communications technologies is at the student’s own risk. Riverside Unified School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet. The District assumes no liability for personal technology, including computers, smart phones, network access devices, or other electronic signaling devices, if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen. The student and his/her parent/guardian shall indemnify and hold Riverside Unified School District harmless from any losses sustained as the result of use or misuse of the district’s technology resources by the student, and/or the loss or damage of personal technology.

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